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Oil’s Well That Ends Well: The Best Ways to Treat Oily Skin

While there may not be an easy cure for preventing your skin from producing too much oil, there are ways to control this skin condition. Read on to learn what options we suggest for managing your oily skin.

Adjust Your Skincare Routine

Oily skin usually requires its own range of products, so switch to a skincare regimen specifically suited for oily skin types. We recommend the following skincare routine:  

Use Cleanser, Toner and Moisturizer Twice Everyday

Look for cleansers that contain sulfur, salicylic acid or tea tree oil - all of which dissolve excess sebum. Glycolic acid is also a good active ingredient, as it improves the skin’s overall tone and texture. After cleansing, use a mild, alcohol-free toner to remove impurities that your cleanser may have missed. Finish your routine by applying a light, oil-free moisturizer.  

Use an Astringent Every Other Day

If your skin is excessively oily, you can use an astringent to tighten pores and further remove oil, but because astringents contain high levels of alcohol, many find them over-drying and harsh - these should, at most, be used every other day, and never use them after you’ve exfoliated your face.  

Exfoliate Once a Week

Exfoliating is good for preventing pores from clogging - something that happens often with oily skin types. Many people choose to use an oil-free scrub designed for oily skin types, but be gentle when applying it to the face so as not to irritate the skin.  

Apply a Facial Mask Once a Week

A deep-cleansing facial mask containing clay can soak up excess oil, reducing shine for several days. Look for masks that also contain ingredients like honey or shea butter that soothe the skin and prevent it from drying out. However, these masks may still over dry your face, so consider applying them only to the oiliest areas.  

Controlling Shine Throughout the Day

When applying makeup in the morning, first use a mattifying or oil-control primer or base. This will absorb oil throughout the day, keeping skin looking fresh and shine-free. You can also powder your T-zone to soak up additional sebum on your face’s oiliest areas: the forehead and nose.   If your face often starts looking greasy later on in the day, then oil-control paper is your friend. These are great for a quick fix to blot away shine. These papers also tend not to dry out the skin and can be used over makeup. A dusting of a translucent powder can be applied two or three times during the day after blotting the face to cover up extra shine.  

Consult a Professional

When nothing else seems to work, consider seeing a dermatologist. Many of the same medications for stopping acne are similarly recommended for treating oily skin. Doctors can also prescribe topical creams with tretinoin, adapalene or tazarotene, which can alter the way pores secrete sebum, thereby reducing oiliness. These products can be irritating, so it’s best to use them on the oiliest areas of your face as you need to.   Other, more dramatic treatment options include pulsed light and heat energy therapies and diode laser therapy, which target and may destroy sebaceous glands. These possibilities, however, can be very expensive, and the long-term benefits and risks are still unknown - consult an experienced dermatologist to see if this is the right choice for you.  

Now’s the Time to Act

Left untreated, oily skin can lead to acne flare ups and a buildup of dead skin cells, leading to sallow-looking skin and enlarged pores - that’s why it’s imperative to find a way to treat the oily skin you have right away. So take action now to get that shine-free, fresh complexion you’ve always wanted.     Disclaimer: The information on this website and any related links are for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, contact a professional healthcare provider.



MYSA user avatar
Sharmila Mahajuja 17/08/2020

I have a very oily skin.My skinnis sensitive too. I have pimples bumps white heads dark spots dark circles enlarged pores.And I don’thave a skin care routine I don’t know which cleanser,moisturise, toner,srum will suit me!! I am living in Bangladesh please send help if anybody knows!!!

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carly 18/08/2020

In reply to by Sharmila Mahajuja


Dear Sharmila, Thank you for your post! I would highly recommend that you follow these tips to help combat excessive oil. Regarding devices and treatments on our website foreo.com I would highly recommendthe ESPADA device which would be great for the acne before it breaks out the blue light acne therapy works by firing LED light energy into pores to attack acne-causing bacteria known as P. acnes where it lives. ESPADA’s unique T-Sonic pulsations propel blue light wavelengths deeper, for an amplified effect. This noninvasive acne treatment is FDA-approved, pain-free and mess-free.
This would be a great addition to tackle those pimples before they break out. Please find the link attached https://www.foreo.com/espada

If you need more in depth information on our devices and products please contact our lovely customer care team on foreo.com

Hope this helps and good luck on your skin journey :)

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shrea kuile 14/09/2020

It really helps me to prevent oil from my skin.

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carly 18/09/2020

In reply to by shrea kuile


That is great to hear Shrea! Glad it has helped you!

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Mary Riyanna 18/09/2020

Thank you for this amazing article. I'm having an extremely irritating oily facial skin prone to acne and pimples. Tried some moisturizers and cleansers but it was not working well on my skin. Then I was a bit doubtful on whether to consult a skin specialist or not. After reading your informative blog, I decided to consult a dermatologist and as he prescribed I started using Cetaphil moisturizing cream for oily skin and now my facial skin is getting clear. Thank you so much for giving me an insight on what to do. Expecting more similar informative articles in future and wishing you all good luck.

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carly 25/09/2020

In reply to by Mary Riyanna


Dear Mary, That is great news to hear and we happy that our article has helped in some way! Wishing you all the best on your skin journey :)

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Razel 24/09/2020

Thank you for sharing this tips, I have very sensitive and oily skin but I think I know what to do with it.

MYSA user avatar
carly 25/09/2020

In reply to by Razel


Hi Razel, we are glad to hear that this article has helped.

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shapemore 02/11/2020

Thanks for this informative advice . Maintenance of this is a real problem specially to deal with the blacks heads.

MYSA user avatar
carly 03/11/2020

In reply to by shapemore


You are most welcome!


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