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13 Ways to Remove Hair Dye from Skin

13 Ways to Remove Hair Dye from Skin

Tricks to get rid of that pesky stain. Changing your hair color is a pretty fun and easy way to change your look, and it's often less risky than going for a whole new haircut. People have been playing around with hair dyes for ages – back in the day of Elizabethan England, women were using urine to change their hair color! Thankfully, we've come a long way from that, and with modern science, we have way better options for getting the shade we want. But here's the thing – even with all the advancements, if you've ever dyed your hair, you know the struggle of dealing with the stains on your hairline and hands. So, what's an aspiring hair colorist to do? We've got you covered with 13 tips and tricks that might save your skin from the aftermath of a DIY hair dye.  

1. Go to a hair salon

Professional hair coloring is obviously more expensive than buying your favorite color off the shelf, but the benefits are proportionate to the price. Not only will a professional colorist be better able to advise you on the correct color for your look, but they will also be able to protect your skin from becoming stained with hair dye. Sometimes, it’s just worth it to splurge for better quality.  

2. Professional dye removal

If you’re not willing or can’t afford to have a professional do your dye job, but you’re wary of hair dye removal methods at home, you could still dye your hair yourself or with a friend at home and then go to a hair salon afterwards to ask them to use their professional tricks to removing hair dye. Of course, you’ll have to pay for that, but it won’t be as expensive as dyeing your hair at the salon.  

3. Petroleum jelly

The ideal course of action is to avoid stains in the first place by coating your hairline with a layer of petroleum jelly before starting your dye job. Petroleum jelly can also act as a stain-removal agent after dyeing. Begin by gently rubbing petroleum jelly into the stain. Massage it into the skin using your fingertips until the stain starts fading away. You may notice the petroleum jelly turning the color of the dye it removes - that means it’s working! You can also apply the petroleum jelly using a makeup remover pad to prevent the dye from transferring to your hands. 


While petroleum jelly is gentle on your hands and facial skin, you should be careful not to get it in your eyes. Remove the petroleum jelly with a clean, wet washcloth. If that gets rid of the hair dye stain, then great. If not, you can apply petroleum jelly and let it sit and soak into the skin, even allowing it to sit overnight. If you wear petroleum jelly to sleep, try covering it with clean cotton fabrics like a headband or bandages to keep it from staining your pillowcases and sheets. If you’re applying the jelly to your hands, simply wear gloves to bed.  

4. Use Facial Cleansing Device: LUNA™ 4

LUNA™ 4 has taken the skincare world by storm simply because of its efficiency in removing 99% dirt, oil, and makeup residue with its velvety-soft silicone touchpoints. And the fact that it also massages and depuffs your face with its firming T-Sonic™ pulsations. How about using your LUNA™ 4 to take on stubborn hair dye stains? For the first time, the new LUNA™ 4 offers customizable cleansing modes


Aside from Regular Cleanse Mode, you can now adjust your settings to Gentle and Deep Cleanse modes and customize each mode further by selecting the intensity that works best for you on the FOREO app. Deep cleanse mode on higher intensity could tackle the pesky dye stains - and leave your face clean, refreshed, and prepared for topical skincare by enhancing skincare absorption. 

5. Makeup remover

Makeup remover is inexpensive and works wonders. If you don’t already own some for its principal use, pick up a bottle at your local drugstore or Sephora and start using it. Makeup remover is especially good for removing eye makeup and protecting the sensitive skin around your eyes from under-eye bags, premature aging, and wrinkles. As a remover for hair dye, makeup remover may be able to help you tackle those stains. Apply some to a cotton ball and start rubbing. Wait five minutes before rinsing, and hopefully, that stain will disappear.     

6. Baking Soda and Water

It is important to keep in mind that from this point on, this list of remedies offers solutions that can be tough – especially on sensitive skin, so it is recommended not to use them on the face. The following few tips will let you know how to get hair bleach off your hands. An effective option is to create a mixture by combining water and baking soda, thoroughly stirring them for proper blending until you make a paste-like texture. The baking soda adds a gentle abrasive quality—although, as mentioned, be careful if you have sensitive skin 


By scrubbing away dyed skin cells, baking soda reveals new layers of skin underneath. Apply the mixture to the dye-stained skin, then use a makeup remover pad to gently scrub the solution in a circular motion with light pressure. Always avoid eye contact to prevent irritation. After a few minutes of scrubbing, rinse with warm water until the solution is completely removed.  

7. Toothpaste & Toothbrush

Purchase a new, soft-bristled toothbrush and opt for a non-gel toothpaste for the hair dye removal potential of these everyday items. It's no surprise that toothpaste, often containing baking soda as a key ingredient, can effectively work as a hair dye remover due to the gentle abrasiveness of baking soda granules (referring to tip number 9). Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the dyed skin, using your finger to gently massage it into the skin, ensuring there is a thin, even coat over the whole stain.  


Depending on your skin's sensitivity, consider scrubbing with a soft-bristle toothbrush, a makeup remover pad, or a cloth. Alternatively, use your fingers in a circular motion for a soothing massage.  After scrubbing, rinse the area with warm water, dry it, and repeat the process if necessary.  

8. Baby oil or olive oil

Oil can work as an effective hair dye remover because it helps to break up the color, but it’s not too rough or abrasive on the skin. In fact, it can help soften while you scrub. The downside is that oils may not be as effective as more corrosive options, but taking care of your skin is important, even if that means accepting a few minor hair dye stains. To try the oil method, coat the stained area of the skin with oil. Rub in with your fingers. (Do we have to remind you again not to get it in your eyes?) It’s best to let the oil sit on your affected skin for as long as possible. Since it’s not corrosive or abrasive, let the oil sit on the stain for 8 hours or more. Sleep on your back and leave the oil soaking overnight, or apply it on your next day off. If you wear the oil to sleep, try covering it with clean cotton fabrics like a headband or bandages to keep it from staining your pillowcases and sheets. If you’re applying the oil to your hands, wear gloves to bed. Instead of dabbing with a warm washcloth, rinse with running water. Apply a little extra soap or shampoo to help remove the oil from your skin entirely. 

9. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is renowned for its soothing and healing properties - however, it is also a natural remedy for removing hair dye stains from the skin. The gel from the aloe vera plant contains enzymes and compounds that aid in breaking down the pigments in hair dye, facilitating their removal.  


To use aloe vera for this purpose, apply the gel to the stained area and gently massage it into the skin. Allow the aloe vera to sit for a few minutes to penetrate the dye, and then rinse with lukewarm water.  


Apart from its effectiveness in removing hair dye stains, aloe vera also provides a cooling sensation and promotes skin hydration, making it a gentle and nourishing option.  

10. Hairspray

Hairspray's not the right solution for every skin type, so apply it cautiously. When dealing with stained hands, apply hairspray directly and rub the affected area. For stains along the hairline, use a cotton pad or makeup remover pad sprayed with hairspray while gently tapping the stained skin. While this method can effectively lift the stain, it's essential to take care of any signs of discomfort, and if you experience any, immediately rinse with warm water.  

11. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective product for removing hair dye stains from the skin. The mild bleaching properties help break down the pigments in hair dye, making it easier to lift and remove color from the skin's surface. To use hydrogen peroxide for this purpose, mix it with water and apply the solution to the stained area using a cotton pad. You should gently rub the stained skin in circular motions, allowing the hydrogen peroxide to penetrate and break down the hair dye particles. After about a minute, thoroughly rinse the skin with water. 


It's important to use hydrogen peroxide with caution, especially on sensitive skin, and avoid contact with the eyes. We recommend patch-testing a small area before application to ensure compatibility and help prevent any potential adverse reactions.  

12. Nail polish remover

Be very careful with this hair dye-removing agent. Prolonged contact with the skin - especially with acetone remover - can cause burns, so be sure to rinse at the first sign of discomfort. Getting nail polish remover in your eyes can also cause injury, so be extra careful! For that reason, for this hack, we also recommend using it only on your hands, avoiding the facial area. Start by soaking a cotton ball with nail polish remover, squeeze the excess, and dab onto the stained skin. Pause for a moment to make sure this doesn’t burn. If you still feel okay, continue blotting gently with the cotton ball. If you’re still feeling comfortable, rub the cotton ball over the stained area in a circular motion. Do not expose your skin for over a minute - most skin types will hit their limit at thirty seconds or less. Rinse very well to thoroughly remove all traces of the nail polish remover from your skin.  

13. Patience

The safest method? Doing nothing! Hair dye stains on your skin will become lighter and lighter as time passes (especially after washing your hair) until they eventually disappear. Honestly, most hair dyes will fade from the skin within a week or less. If your hair dye stains are not in an easily seen place or not so big as to attract attention, your best bet may be some patient waiting. We’re always our worst critics - just because you see the dye on your skin doesn’t mean others will notice it, too!   


Disclaimer: The information on this website and any related links are for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, contact a professional healthcare provider.    

     FOREO’s High Standards Club Sale


Feb 21st - Mar 9th

Sometimes, we get stuck in a rut, doing our thing (and everybody else's). When we’re finally done for the day and a little bit of me time rolls around, we skimp out on self-care and settle with anything slightly better than the pedal to the metal.

Two women in pink fur coats, doing skincare on a teal car, coupon code for 30% discount MYSAHIGH30

This International Women’s Day, FOREO’s High Standards Club reminds women all over the world to stop cutting corners on themselves and ask for more out of life, love, career, and skincare. Please - in the name of all that is good, wholesome, peaceful, healthy, and beautiful - forget the grind culture. Things that get ground up are not whole, as they have been crushed. Work hard and rest when you need to. Be kind to yourself and others, set boundaries for those who are not kind back, and aim for balance rather than impossible balancing acts. High self-care standards don’t mean you’re rude or a spoiled, extra little princess who wants something for nothing. It means you know the value of your work, money, time, and mental health. 


From February 21st till March 9th, The High Standards Club offers the MYSAHIGH30 code to get an extra 30% off the already discounted FOREO & FAQ portfolio of timeless devices and clean skincare. Visit foreo.com, enjoy living in your skin, go get what you want, and don't settle for less.




MYSA user avatar
Cassie 11/04/2018

I used the toothpaste and old toothbrush on my skin though on the spots that splatted on my face or arms ! It’s works good you just have to be careful and not get it in your eyes so don’t use so much water wit the toothbrush. Just enough for it to be wet

MYSA user avatar
Kim 22/04/2018

Olive oil worked for me! And the dish soap and baking soda but that was a little sore on my head! Thanks!

MYSA user avatar
Cindy 30/04/2018

What works even better and faster is running alcohol and lotion. Just put some rubbing alcohol on a q-tip or cotton ball then some lotion. Run the spot(s):until the stain goes away. It might not take it all away, but it will definitely get rid of most of it.

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Gemma Kerrison 14/05/2018

I used wd40 on a sponge and dabbed it on the hair dye stains on my face and it came off perfect

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Melanie 16/06/2018

Old school hairdressers used cigarette ashes and a drop of shampoo.

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Lori 01/07/2018

I dye my eyebrows because they are hella light. I got a bit too heavy handed and my eyebrow dye lines were a bit too far out. WD 40 worked like a charm at removing the dye line and the too dark color. I used q tips sprayed with the WD 40 to remove.

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Ramesh 23/08/2019

Using toothpaste to remove stain on skin has really worked well

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Beauty Breeze 07/09/2019

It is great blog post. Helpful and Informative Blog. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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