3 min read
Ask a dermatologist: How to get clean and healthy skin
Find out what your skin needs
While the answer might be obvious to many, skin cleansing varies on the condition of your skin. Consult your dermatologist to better select the right type of cleansers, gel, micellar water, cream etc. While assuming that your skin routine is doing you all the good, you could very well, with a simple misstep, damage your skin.
Finding a cleansing balance
There are two types of skins. Dry skin should be washed with moisturizers and gentle soap, while greasy skin should be washed with gels containing salicylic acids to help minimize the breakout of acne.
Special routine for special condition
While the treatment of skin diseases (acne, rosacea, eczema …) requires medical creams, the hygiene of the skin has an important role to play in the treatment of these diseases.
Choosing the right cleansing device
While many of you revert to the traditional methods of skin cleansing, it’s good to keep up with the latest techniques. If you’re looking for the safe option, LUNA3 by FOREO is a facial cleansing advanced device that works via a mobile application.

Supercharged facial treatments for extra care
Even if you just walked out of the shower, or even after a simple cleansing, the skin is ready to absorb the treatment you provide it with. UFO, another device by FOREO is a supercharged 2-minute facial device that also operates via a mobile application to give the best results, as the device is multi-functional.
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