2 min read

What to do after a successful career in modeling: Models with Minds

Caleigh Darragh on Models with Minds
Most of us have that point in our life where we decide it's time to make a career shift and try something new. For many models, this is less of an option and more a reality. Caleigh Darragh, one of our FOREO models and founder of Models with Minds, shares why she started the organization to help models start new careers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYyXK3iR8aA  

Video Transcript

Kristen: FOREO as a brand, we're very into clarity: clarity of mind, clarity of skin. Can you talk a little bit about a moment of clarity in your life where you had this "Aha" moment and what you did in response to that. Caleigh: When I started modeling, I went into it knowing that it doesn't last forever. It's not something that I can make a life-long career out of. So, I came up with this concept in June and started this organization called Models with Minds. We're a resource for models to explore and  pursue other opportunities outside of modeling, such as internships, starting a nonprofit, starting your own business. We have events that are education, talking about managing your money, social media, and teaching girls how to make the most of their career. That's been really helpful for me, seeing other girls have their moments of clarity and learning from that Kristen: Who is involved? Do you have a lot of volunteers who come and give workshops? Can you talk a little bit about the services that you offer. Caleigh: Since we're very new, we've had a couple of events, we work with Monica McCarthy. We are having an event with her soon. She does a workshop about creating your manifesto - your guidelines on how you want to live your life and how you imagine being. I have a co-founder named Anya and she's in a different phase in her modeling career, and we manage both ends of the spectrum. Kristen: Do you have any tips for younger girls on how they can remain confident and embrace how they look? Caleigh: As nice as its been to become a model and have people work with me because they think I'm beautiful, it doesn't necessarily make you more confident, it can make you more insecure. But, just remembering that everyone deals with insecurity and that you are unique, and focusing on the good qualities that you have and learning to accept them and respect yourself. Say, "Good job, me. I did that, I'm proud of myself." That builds confidence. Kristen: Do you have any models that are role models for you? That you have learned a lot from? Caleigh: Freja Beha Erichsen - she has already been a favorite of mine. She is very nonchalant. She never let the fame of her career get to her. She's very down-to-earth, a cool person. For me, I want to stay the same person I was before I started modeling. I am a bit more confident and outgoing now. But, I've tried to keep myself grounded and remember where I came from.    

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