9 min read

Anti-aging Treatments for Full Facial Rejuvenation

A close-up of a woman's beautiful brown eyes on an old oil painting that is cracking and pealing

Aging is a fact of life and a privilege not granted to all. You will age no matter how hard you moisturize, nip, or tuck the ever-looser skin. The pendulum will keep swinging, but we are not doomed to accept this fact at face value. Whether you're looking to prevent the early signs of aging or address advanced issues, this 101 guide will cover the best anti-aging treatments and trends in non-surgical skincare treatments supported by solid science and share expert advice on how to keep your skin looking as youthful as possible for as long as possible.


1. Why Does Skin Age?

So what happens on the molecular and micro levels when it all starts going south? Skin is an organ; it is alive and repairs and regenerates just as all other organs of our body. When we are young, all of the repair processes work at optimal speeds to replace damaged cells or structures in a timely fashion, keeping us fresh, plump, and at the peak of health and physical condition.


As we enjoy more and more of our years, these processes start to slow down, and the first visible signs of decline become noticeable. Initially, very discreetly with tiny lines that weren’t there the last time you talked to the mirror. Those small insults accumulate, and lines get more profound and more visible. Why does this happen? The production of collagen and elastin—two essential proteins that keep skin firm and smooth— slows down. This leads to a loss of elasticity, meaning more signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. External factors can also speed up aging, including unavoidable genetics, somewhat avoidable sun exposure, and oh-so-very-avoidable lifestyle blunders like smoking. And this is where anti-aging treatments come in handy.


2. The Best Anti-Aging Treatments for Face

2.1. Topical Treatments

Non-invasive anti-aging facial treatments for prevention and initial signs of skin aging.


Retinoids/Retinol: Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that turn back time by boosting cell turnover, which effectively helps reduce fine lines and even out skin tone. The well-known retinol fits in the same group but is gentler and commonly used in over-the-counter products, while stronger versions require a prescription.


Hyaluronic Acid: Moisturization is for skin what location is for real estate. As growing old can roughly be explained as “drying out”, the more moisture you attract and keep in your skin, the more youthful it will look. Hyaluronic acid draws moisture into the skin, giving it a plump and hydrated look while helping smooth out fine lines by keeping skin well-moisturized.


Peptides: Known as the building blocks of collagen, peptides have become some of the most well-known preventative anti-aging treatments and they provide materials for the new collagen to form. It is like feeding your body nutritious food while exercising to help build quality muscle from the available blocks. Peptides help improve skin firmness and elasticity by stimulating collagen production.


Antioxidants (Vitamin C, E): Nature’s neutralizers, antioxidants are potent molecules that deactivate the rude destruction of free radicals. These unstable molecules damage cells and speed aging by stealing electrons from other molecules to stabilize themselves. Antioxidants interrupt this theft and neutralize the radicals before they can do harm, protecting the cells and slowing down aging qualifying as non-invasive anti-aging treatments. Vitamin C also helps brighten skin and improve its overall tone.

Thin citrus slices with backlighting and suplement gel pills on the left

2.2. Non-Surgical Anti-aging Treatments

Anti-aging treatments ideal for early to moderate signs of skin aging. 

Botox and Dermal Fillers: In the 1970s, an ophthalmologist, Alan B. Scott, wanted to help his patients with strabismus, the crossed or wandering eyes, to spare them the muscle surgery. If only he could weaken the muscle. He found the “miracle poison,” a botulinum neurotoxin that could control the muscle. Still, the muscle-paralyzing abilities soon became news in the anti-aging industry, and cosmetic brands of the substance popped up, setting trends in non-surgical skincare treatments.

One of the best facials for aging skin, Botox works by temporarily relaxing facial muscles to smooth out dynamic wrinkles (those caused by expressions). At the same time, dermal fillers add volume to plump up areas like the cheeks or lips, and these are far better at reducing the appearance of static wrinkles.


Chemical Peels: Chemical peels are the closest thing to shedding your skin. They are non-surgical anti-aging treatments that remove the old, tired, tight, and scarred skin on the top to reveal a fresh, plump layer below. 

These exfoliating anti-aging treatments strategically use acids to improve skin texture, fine lines, and pigmentation, restoring an overall more youthful appearance to the face.


Laser Resurfacing: Laser resurfacing has many names, such as laser peel, laser vaporization, or lasabrasion. It is a non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedure that removes skin layer by layer. As the skin heals and rebuilds itself, the new skin cells provide a tighter, younger-looking surface. 

These cosmetic procedures give good results alone, but can also be paired with other cosmetic procedures and are particularly effective for deep wrinkles and uneven skin texture.


Microneedling: Microneedling is coaxing your skin to go into healing and repair overdrive by deliberately causing low-impact damage all over the surface of the targeted area. It is minimally invasive and uses tiny needles to make holes in the top skin layer. The skin, adept at repairing itself, produces more collagen and elastin to help form a new, firm, smooth surface.

A depiction of collagen and elastin fibers making the skin surface elastic and tight

You’ll probably need multiple treatments to achieve significant results. Still, these anti-aging treatments can easily be used on various skin areas that need help with skin tone, texture, elasticity, acne scars, or stretch marks.


Radiofrequency and Ultrasound Therapy: These non-invasive anti-aging facial treatments use energy to deliver energy into and heat the deeper layers of the skin. Such heat tricks the body into producing an immune response that triggers heightened collagen and elastin production, resulting in firmer, tighter skin, less sagging, and fewer fine lines and wrinkles.


Microcurrent: If you wanted toned muscles on the body, you’d start challenging them by training. The face also has an intensely developed musculature below the skin that allows us to have facial expressions, and just as muscle mass and tone dwindle with age in the body, the facial musculature follows suit. Microcurrent treatments stimulate the musculature via low-level electrical currents, contracting and releasing muscles. 

This “exercise” results in a more lifted, toned, and sculpted appearance, and the treatment is so safe that there are also non-invasive facial at-home options available.

FOREO BEAR microcurrent facial toning device with SUPERCHARGED Serum on a shelf in a clean, minimalistic room

2.3. Popular Surgical Treatments

Ideal for advanced signs of skin aging.


Facelifts: A facelift is an ultimate "under the knife" move in anti-aging treatments. It can do wonders, especially for the advanced signs of aging. As a cosmetic surgical intervention, it requires a longer recovery and can be quite painful but will provide significant and long-term results. 

A facelift is what it says it is - it lifts the face by pulling the skin back to make the face (and neck) look tighter and smoother. The procedure is especially beneficial for those with excess loose skin around the jowls, the lower part of the face in general, and the neck.


Eye lift (Blepharoplasty): We all know that when our eyes look tired, we necessarily look older than we are. The blepharoplasty eyelid surgery targets the problem of sagging or puffy skin around the eyes to make you look more refreshed and youthful.

There will be some downtime, swelling, and bruising, but most of it will be gone in about two weeks, and you can return to your daily activities in approximately five days.


Neck lift: When the neck goes, it really goes. We can do a lot for the face to cover up and visually correct, but an ignored neck (and hands, for that matter) reveals your true age, and there is only so much a wrinkle cream can do. 

A neck lift is similar to a facelift in its mechanism. It is one of the surgical anti-aging treatments for tightening sagging skin on the neck and improving the appearance of lines and folds.


Brow Lift: Aging is cruel, and weakening muscle and skin tissue can create a perpetual sad and discouraged look with low-hanging brows.  

Often combined with other surgeries, brow lifts elevate the eyebrows to a more youthful point and shape for a fresher and more awake look.

3. Targeted Anti-Aging Treatments for Specific Areas

3.1. Anti-Aging Neck Treatments

"How to take care of your neck?” Now, this question brought many a frown upon once smooth foreheads. The neck is one of the most neglected areas when it comes to skincare. We’d gladly invest time and energy to help our face look as young as possible, but this magnificent supporter quietly sits in the shadows—although it is one of the first places to show signs of aging.


Neck care should be on your self-care list, and anti-aging treatments like moisturization, radiofrequency, laser resurfacing, and neck lifts can help reduce sagging, wrinkles, and skin texture issues.


3.2. Anti-Aging Eye Treatments

The skin around your eyes is one of the thinnest and most delicate on the body, matched only by your privates. It overlays the active round orbicularis oculi muscles and is tortured by constant blinking, squinting, eye strain, and - being on the face - elements exposure.  Therefore, the fragile structure around the eyes is highly prone to fine lines, dark circles, and puffiness. Non-invasive eye care, minimally invasive anti-aging treatments such as Botox and fillers, and surgical options like blepharoplasty can help rejuvenate the eye area.

Eye-shaped gold pendants looking straight at you on top of colorful marbles and beads

3.3. Anti-Aging Hand Treatments

Once you put your hands up for Detroit. You can now do so for advanced cosmetics techniques that ensure you’ll never have to look down in your lap and see grandma's hands.


Hands are in the neck-club of body parts, so often overlooked but can show signs of aging such as wrinkles, sunspots, and loss of volume. Hand rejuvenation treatment options include chemical peels, fillers, laser resurfacing, and some interesting new at-home technology that delivers the best ways to rejuvenate aging hands.


4. Dermatologist’s Advice for Maintaining Youthful Skin

To slow down the aging process, and understand how to rejuvenate hands it’s crucial to have a comprehensive skincare routine and choose anti-aging treatments based on your skin’s needs, says expert Dr. Costi in anti-aging fundamentals. A combination of preventative measures—like sun protection and using retinoids—and restorative treatments can help maintain youthful skin over time.


5. Common Questions About Anti-Aging Treatments (FAQ)

5.1. What’s the Best Treatment for Anti-Aging?

As with all other things in life, you are an individual. No one is quite like you out there, not mentally, emotionally, or with your exact chemistry and physical specificities. As with clothes, love, homes, passions, and jobs, there isn’t a "one-size-fits-all" solution. The best anti-aging treatments depend on individual skin types, aging concerns, and lifestyle; it depends on what you want to achieve, how fast, how permanent, and your willingness to be cut into, your budget, and how much recovery time you can afford...


Consulting a dermatologist is essential to find the best option. We may love and inform you here in the digital realm, but we cannot recommend a universal anti-aging treatment for your needs.


5.2. Which is Best for Anti-Aging: Botox, Fillers, or Facelift?

All anti-aging facial treatments are good and have specific purposes and targets. For example, non-surgical anti-aging treatments like Botox are excellent for fine lines; facelifts may be better for deep wrinkles and sagging skin. Botox is also great for dynamic wrinkles (caused by facial movement) as it paralyzes the muscles that are creating the crease, while fillers work for volume loss and static wrinkles. A facelift is ideal for more advanced sagging skin. The choice depends on the extent of aging and the desired results.

two beautiful women of various ages, dark-haired girl and a gray woman

5.3. What is the Best Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

Botox is considered the gold standard in wrinkle treatments if you are impatient and want immediate results. Long-term treatments such as retinoids or laser resurfacing can also be very effective, depending on the depth of wrinkles.


6. Conclusion

Far from helpless observers, we can weigh that clock pendulum down, slow the aging process, and significantly affect how we age by modifying lifestyle factors and investing in some solid self and skin-care practices.

From everyday skincare routines concerned with how to prevent wrinkles to professional anti-aging treatments and surgical procedures for great results in advanced signs of skin aging, there’s a wide variety of options available. You can stick to the one that works for you, mix and match, or adapt the procedures to new needs as the decades progress. Whether focusing on preventing fine lines or tackling more advanced concerns, find what works for you specifically. A routine is useless if you don’t stick to it, and a procedure is useless if you don’t maintain the results.


By combining science-backed products like retinoids, hyaluronic acid, and peptides with non-invasive and surgical cosmetic procedures, you can keep your skin looking healthy and youthful at any age. Enjoy your life, and don’t obsess about time; it will pass either way. Enjoy existing in your skin and accept the inevitable lines and wrinkles as witnesses to a well-lived life.

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