4 min read

An Ode to International Women’s Day with FOREO

Every year since its inception in 1975, International Women’s Day rolls around on the 8th of March as a reminder for us to reflect on how far we have come in terms of women’s rights but check in with the fact that we have so far to go. Landmark events such as women’s right to vote in Australia (all states) in 1908 and watching extraordinary women such as Jacinda Ardern create lasting impact through leadership, are all hopeful reminders of the leaps society has made towards gender equality.  However, this year's theme, Women in Leadership, comes at an important time in global history. With COVID-19 wreaking devastating havoc on life and livelihoods, the brunt of the impact continues to still be experienced by women. During this time, gender inequality has revealed itself through a higher percentage of job losses, less financial security and a recorded increase in domestic violence related enquiries (see statistics in the appendix). And this is only the tip of the iceberg.  Now and forever, we collectively #ChooseToChallenge systemic inequality so that women can have a seat at whatever table they so choose. As a business of mostly women with some fantastic male allies in the mix, we are taking the time to ask our interconnected community what this day means to them as well as the impact they hope to drive moving forward.   

What does IWD mean to you?

[caption id="attachment_9071" align="alignnone" width="299"] Sarah Davidson (Holloway), FOREO Ambassador[/caption]
“We all, of course, should find ways to celebrate women every day but I think IWD is such a nice annual celebration the world over of our unique power, achievements and leaders. It's a reminder of how strong we can be, our unique challenges but also unique strengths and to applaud the leaders among us and their achievements. We can so often find ourselves in competition against each other or against our male counterparts, but this turns the focus to acknowledgement and camaraderie as well as transcending any other ways we sometimes categorise ourselves along ethnic, religious, cultural, sexual etc lines.”
- Sarah Davidson (Holloway) (FOREO Ambassador)  
“It reminds me to stop and appreciate the women around me, the women who have paved the way and fought for others to have their voices heard. There are so many inspiring women!” -Jenelle Witty (FOREO Ambassador)

What female leaders have inspired you?

“SO many women inspire me for different reasons but my absolute hero is my Mum.”
-Sarah Davidson (Holloway) (FOREO Ambassador)  
“The female leader that’s inspired me is my Grandma, the matriarch of the family. She worked tireless for her children, brought them to Australia for a better life, and ended up helping raise me as well. She taught me everything I know- she is outspoken and strong, which is exactly how I want to be.”
-Minnie Isaac (FOREO Ambassador)   
“There have been some incredible women who are leaders in their own field that I go back to all the time. Growing up, I was drawn to the story of Audrey Hepburn whose films I obviously loved, but I admired that she decided to use her fame by becoming a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF.”
-Jenelle Witty (FOREO Ambassador)  

How do you aim to lift other women up?

Rebecca & Marissa from Twice Blessed, FOREO Ambassadors
“Through a sense of community. We want our followers to know they are worthy, loved, capable and precious. We encourage women to honour themselves, know that they are more than enough, strong, and love how they look and feel in their clothing (no matter their size). We aim to be as engaged with our audience as possible (and yes that means responding to all DM’s, messages and comments).”
-Rebecca & Marissa from Twice Blessed (FOREO Ambassadors)  
“I aim to lift other women up through my platform by encouraging self-love and self-care, by being transparent and real when it comes to my skin, as often with editing and filters on social media it's not an accurate representation of what women actually look like. Not only that but I love uplifting women on my platform by sharing their content and supporting their platforms too!”
-Ivana (FOREO Ambassador)  
“I aim to lift women up using my platform by helping women find the right products for their skin type. A recent poll I did found 65% of my following had the same skin type as me, so my aim is that I help women find products suited for their skin type, to help them feel and look their best.  By me trialling it for them, so they don't have to.”
-Sophie Eason (FOREO Ambassador)  

How do you #ChooseToChallenge? 

“We choose to challenge by focusing on the road ahead of us, rather than all of the noise around [us]. Often we can get distracted by what people say, or what they expect of us, and it can deter us from accomplishing what we have before us.”
-Rebecca & Marissa from Twice Blessed (FOREO Ambassadors)   Siposetu Duncan, FOREO Ambassador
"I have found in my chosen industry within the New Zealand community that there aren’t many people who look like me. As a result of this, I #ChooseToChallenge by embracing who I am as a woman of colour and how unique I am. I don’t allow [a] mentality to set in that disadvantages me or separates me from opportunities & progress. When I choose to challenge, I am stubborn & I think of the bigger picture; there are other woman out there just like me who are also wanting the same thing however have not found a foundation to stand on in order to be over-comers. When I #ChooseToChallenge, I am being bold, I am speaking up, I am stepping out."
-Siposetu Duncan (FOREO Ambassador)
“I #choosetochallenge by calling out racism and social and gender inequalities. I do so publicly by supporting a range of charities and businesses, but also in my family where some of my family members have a rather 'backward' view on such topics.”
-Ivana (FOREO Ambassador)  
“ I choose to forever support my fellow women in this industry, and the beautiful community that surrounds us all. We deserve everything.”
-Sophie Eason (FOREO Ambassador)  


  1. Women make up 39% of global employment but accounted for 54 percent of overall job losses (Mckinsey Global Institute, July 15, 2020).
  2. Australia experienced an 11% increase in calls to 1800RESPECT (Domestic Violence Helpline) and Google reported a 75% increase in internet searches relating to support for domestic violence (Australian Journal of General Practice, June 2020).



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Carla Carson 26/03/2021

All women should always support each other and try to uplift not tear anyone down if ya can't say something nice don't say anything

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carly 29/03/2021

In reply to by Carla Carson


Dear Carla, we agree! Thank you for sharing <3

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Sandy Sri Agustina 27/03/2021

my mother in law's is my best friend forever! since my mother pass away, she help me to take care of my childreen and support my family with her love like cooking for the whole family since I am a full time working mom. She treats me like her own daughter and love me unconditionally. I want to see her always glowing and shining with foreo because she is the light of my and our family life.


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